Passionate About Inspiring Others
Jon Borrill and Clive Scarff, both of Vancouver Canada, created One Minute Golf Channel (OMG) in 2019.
Clive has a background in film and TV production, and is also an active Teaching Pro, a best selling author, and a playwright! Jon, is an accountant, project manager, and MC/presenter and has had a successful career in business. Together they found a number of areas of like-mindedness which brought the OMG channel to life.
Clive wrote Hit Down Dammit several years ago to help golfers understand that hitting down on a golf ball is the best way to make the ball go up. It helps explain why all pros take a divot after they hit a shot. Think about that for a second. It's a concept not often taught but makes a huge difference to the way you can play the game improving both distance and accuracy, and also learning to impart backspin to help the ball settle on the green. So often golfers believe they must "scoop" the ball off the turf to get it to lift off, when the opposite is true. It's a well written and researched learning tool. Clive developed a complementary full set of videos that take you through the fundamentals and help with technique and training. “Hit Down Dammit! has reached #1 on Amazon many times and the videos connected to the book make a natural content for OMG. The channel now features over 50 of his excellent HD golf instructional videos from the series. All free to subscribers.

Clive also has a second best-selling golf book called, “Why You Suck at Golf” and that became the topic of conversation in terms of providing more content for OMG. This is also an Amazon best seller and has over 50 tips, non-swing-related this time. The book features Bogart (long for Bogey), who makes all the classic mistakes that contribute to his Sucking at Golf. Clive and Jon initially explored making some short videos to explain the tips, but then Clive hatched the brilliant plan to make a full length feature film inspired by the book. That idea was enthusiastically picked up and long story short - the movie Why You Suck at Golf was done. To read more about the story of the movie please click here.
Along the way, Jon and Clive also developed a Chat Show format for OMG called "Alternate Shots" which explores a number of interesting aspects to the game of golf. Also "Scarff on This" is a monologue type program where Clive delivers his thoughts on various debates in the game of golf. Always something to think about and be involved with.
So now OMG Channel has a fabulous selection of Hit Down Dammit Golf lessons, plus a full length comedy feature movie called Why You Suck at Golf, and an array of fun chat shows hosted by the two. We think it's a unique home for golf lovers as it combines golf tips with golf entertainment. Sort of Golf Tip-ertainment - oh wait - that's not a real word, but you get the idea.
We are continually thinking of new content to add to the channel and welcome your thoughts and comments. Thanks for subscribing.